Download CorsixTH beta 2

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Regular visitors to the Meuktracker are undoubtedly familiar with OpenTTD, an open source clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Another group of developers is working on a similar project for the game published by Bulfrog in 1997 Theme Hospital, in which the player must design and operate a hospital. As was the case with OpenTTD, the original game data files are needed to CorsixTH to be able to play.

CorsixTH is open source and available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The game can be played in a higher resolution than the original and is available in more translations. Almost all of the features of the original are already there and new things are planned to be added. The first beta release was released last Christmas and the second could be picked up last Wednesday. The changelog for that release looks like this:

New General Features

  • Save / Load functionality.
  • A tutorial is offered to the player at the start of the game.
  • Emergencies may happen every now and then.
  • Patients and staff now have a need for heat (from radiators) in order to stay happy. Patients will also get thirsty (build drinks machines) and will need a bathroom sooner or later, and staff will ask for a salary raise when unhappy.
  • Machines will need repair now and then. A dialog that shows necessarry information is displayed when the machine is clicked.
  • The training room can now be built, where doctors can increase their skill and get additional traits if a consultant is present.
  • When a patient cannot be cured or a room is missing a fax will arrive and ask the player what to do.
  • A new string system that allows us to add new (translatable) text to the game, correct mistakes in existing languages ​​and add new languages.
  • Tooltips are displayed when hovering over buttons for some time.
  • Hospital reputation system.
  • Humourous disease description faxes are now shown when a disease is first diagnosed.
  • Room blueprints can be resized during the build process.
  • A lot of other small improvements.
  • A great number of bugs have been squashed. Most remaining bugs are no longer fatal, and can be continued from.

New UI Features

  • Dynamic information bar in the bottom right corner of the UI added. It shows information about entities beneath the mouse cursor.
  • New Dialogs: Hospital Policy, Drug Casebook, Bank Manager, Staff Management, Town Map (work in progress), Main Menu
  • Many new key shortcuts (see Hotkeys wiki page for full list).
  • Dialogs can now be re-positioned by dragging them to where they are wanted.
  • Added floating money signs to better indicate where money is coming from.
  • Added comments from the advisor in more situations.

New Diseases / Romans

  • 10 new diseases.
  • Additional functional diagnosis rooms: General Diagnosis, Ultrascan, X-Ray
  • New treatment room: Hair Restorer
  • Room queues should now re-balance themselves when new rooms are built.

New Translations

  • Norwegian (bokmål).

Version number beta 2
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 2000, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Server 2008
Website google code
File sizes 685.00kB – 4.38MB
License type GPL
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