Download CoreELEC 19.3-Matrix

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The developers behind Core Embedded Linux Entertainment Center have released version 19.3 of Matrix. CoreELEC is a fork of LibreELEC, which in turn arose after a large number of developers left OpenELEC due to disagreements and started their own business. These Linux distributions are based on Kodi and can turn a computer into a full-fledged htpc. CoreELEC focuses specifically on the chips of amlogic† The main change in this release is the upgrade of Kodi to version 19.3, which is already available on the Kodi website statebut only officially Thursday turns out

Changes Since 19.2-Matrix

  • Bump Kodi to 19.3-Matrix
  • Fixed lircd input repeat delay

Version number 19.3-Matrix
Release status Final
Website CoreELEC
License type GPL
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