Download ClipAngel 1.82

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For the avid cut-and-paste, there are applications that extend the functionality of the standard Windows clipboard, or clipboard. ClipAngel is such an application that saves everything from the clipboard and you can also easily restore the data back to the clipboard. It supports plain text, of course, but also rtf, images, and files. These fragments are stored in a database, so after a reboot of the system you can continue cutting and pasting without any problems. The developer has released version 1.82 with the following changes:

Version 1.82

  • Fixed deleting clip when pressing DELETE key in clip editing mode.
  • Possibly solved problem of rare high cpu load after pasting to elevated window from non-elevated process.
  • Added handling of rare errors in changing encryption mode of database file.
  • Fixed rare error when closing program window.

Version 1.81

  • Removed execution “Delete clip” command when pressing Delete key in clip text field

Version 1.80

  • Reduced number of situations in which long sequences of identical characters are cut off in autotitle of clip
  • Fixed incorrect operation of “Open 1C link” command
  • In clip comparison commands first clip is now located on left side in text compare application
  • Eliminated influence of last filter in global commands with last clips

Version number 1.82
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website ClipAngel
License type GPL
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