Download Camtasia 2022.1.0

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TechSmith has version 2022.0.4 of Camtasia for it Windows and macOS released and a successor immediately the next day. This program makes it possible to easily create videos for training and presentations. For example, think of a video about the operation of a certain application that is explained with a voice-over, or a PowerPoint presentation combined with a recording of a lecture. For more information, we refer to this page, where the possibilities are listed. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

New Features

Reverse Video

  • Added ability to reverse video clips in the Media Bin.

Blur Region Effect

  • Added Blur Region visual effect with configurable blur amount and tint color. Enjoy frosted glass in any shade your heart desires.

Freeze Region Effect

  • Added Freeze Region visual effect. Select any region of the screen and freeze the selected area, or inverted selection, in place for the duration of the effect. Get rid of those annoying / embarrassing pop-ups with a simple drag and drop effect.



  • Added labeled expanders to the Favorites Tool.


  • Improved user interface for cursor paths on the timeline.
  • Added tooltips to the cursor tab in the Properties panel.
  • Cursor Path Editing state is now remembered when re-selecting a media.


  • The last-used folder is now remembered when using the modern export experience.
  • Updated the YouTube exporter.


  • Added customizable properties for some transitions.


  • Improved error messaging when installation fails.


  • Improved customer experience while using the licensing support tool.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting an image with a Cursor Path Creator applied.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing and redoing a Cursor Path Creator effect.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause unexpected changes in canvas objects’ position when ungrouping.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow invalid characters when renaming a Theme.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an incorrect maintenance expiration date to be shown based on the user’s time zone.
  • Fixed a bug that could leave obsolete files in the user’s Temp folder in the event of a crash.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Zoom-n-Pan view to be drawn incorrectly when displaying nested groups.
  • Fixed a bug in drag selection logic when using a magnetic track.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow placeholder properties to be edited on non-placeholder media.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow invalid Ease Out values ​​to be entered.
  • Fixed a bug that could mark a project as modified after opening the Project Settings dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent reverting a media’s scale.

Version number 2022.1.0
Release status Final
Operating systems macOS, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website TechSmith
License type Paid
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