Download Caliber 5.23

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Version 5.23 of Caliber has been released. This open source ebook manager is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Among other things, it can look up all relevant information and cover images, and convert ebooks to make them suitable for the various types of e-readers. Furthermore, the program can convert newspapers, magazines and news articles based on RSS feeds into e-book format. You can also purchase books with Caliber at the well-known web stores. Version 5.0 has included a switch to Python 3, various improvements have been made to the e-book viewer and there is now also a dark mode for the e-book viewer and content server. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

New features

  • Annotations browser: Show highlight color in the preview panel. Close tickets: 1934204
  • TXTZ format: Store type of text formatting in the metadata and use it automatically when converting from TXTZ.
  • Edit metadata dialog: Allow holding Ctrl and clicking the item editor buttons to instead open the manage dialog. Close tickets: 1934043

Bug fixes

  • Annotations browser: Fix searching for words in languages ​​such as Chinese that do not have word delimiters not working. Close tickets: 1929325
  • News download: Fix URLs with spaces in them not being downloaded since caliber 5.0.
  • When searching for books by an author from the manage authors dialog, use exact matches. Close tickets: 19333989
  • MOBI Output: Fix invalid color specification as plain numbers causing conversion to fail. Close tickets: 1933797
  • MOBI Output: Fix invalid text indent specification causing conversion to fail. Close tickets: 1933684
  • Linux: Drop the unmaintained dbus-python in favor of jeepney for DBUS.
  • Edit book: Workaround for Qt bug that caused the panel sizes in the editor to not be remembered across sessions.

Improved news sources

  • The Guardian and the Observer
  • National Geographic
  • Handelsblatt
  • Huffington Post

Version number 5.23
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website caliber
License type GPL
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