Download Caliber 2.29

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Version 2.29 of Caliber has been released. Caliber is an open source and cross platform ebook management program. Among other things, it can look up all relevant information and cover images, and convert e-books to make them suitable for the various types of e-readers. Furthermore, the program can convert newspapers, magazines and news articles based on RSS feeds into e-book format. Books can also be purchased with Caliber at the well-known web stores. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

New Features

  • Allow opening the full Tag Editor dialog directly from the book list by holding down the Shift key while starting an edit of a tag-like field. For example, click on the tags field for a book and press Shift-F2.
  • Tag Browser: Allow undoing the deletion of items in the Manage categories window
  • calibredb add: Allow setting arbitrary identifiers, not just ISBN. Close tickets: 1458620
  • Add a ‘Retry’ button to the news download failed error message. Close tickets: 1458076

Bug Fixes

  • DOCX Output: Detect the common idiom of placing centered images as inline images inside a containing centered block and render the resulting image as a floating centered image in the DOCX file. Close tickets: 1455502
  • DOCX Output: Fix incorrect handling of bold/italic in paragraphs where the majority of text is either bold or italic instead of normal.
  • Table of Contents editor: Fix save/load of settings in the XPath wizard not working across restarts.
  • Get Books: Update the Kobo Store plugin for website changes.

Improved news sources

  • Popular Science
  • General Knowledge Today
  • Scientific American
  • Wired Magazine

Version number 2.29
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Caliber Team
File Sizes

61.60MB – 76.70MB

License type GPL
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