Download Caliber 0.8.4

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Version 0.8.4 of the open source e-book management program Caliber has been released. Caliber can handle almost all types of e-books and e-readers and makes it possible, among other things, to convert e-books between the various formats in order to make them available for all platforms. In addition, it can also convert news articles based on RSS to e-book format and in this way make news available on e-readers. In Caliber 0.8.4, the following changes and improvements have been made:

New Features

  • New and much simpler interface for specifying column coloring via Preferences->Look & Feel->Column Coloring
  • Driver for Trekstor eBook Player 5M, Samsung Galaxy SII I9100, Motorola Defy and miBuk GAMMA 6.2
  • Get Books: Add EpubBud, WH Smits and E-book Shoppe stores
  • When deleting ‘all formats except …’, do not delete if it leaves a book with no formats
  • Change default toolbar to make it a little more new user friendly. The icons have been re-arranged and now the text is always visiblke by default. You can change that in Preferences->Look & Feel and Preferences->Toolbar
  • Windows installer: Remember and use previous settings for installing desktop icons, adding to path, etc. This makes the installer a little slower, complaints should go to Microsoft.
  • Template language: Add str_in_list and on_device formatter functions. Make debugging templates a little easier
  • Allow the user to specify formatting for number type custom columns

Bug Fixes

  • Fix typo in NOOK TSR driver that prevented it from working on windows
  • Fix quotes in identifiers causing Tag Browser to be blank.
  • Speedup auto complete when there are lots of items (>2500) the downside being that non ASCII characters are not sorted correctly. The threshold can be controlled via Preferences->Tweaks
  • RTF Output: Fix handling or curly brackets
  • Fix searching in Get Books not working with non ASCII characters
  • Fix excessive memory consumption when moving very large files during a metadata change
  • Fix series index being overwritten even when series is turned off in bulk metadata download
  • Fix regression in templates where id and other non standard fields no longer worked.
  • EPUB Output: Fix crash caused by ids with non-ascii characters in them
  • Try to preserve the timestamps of files in a ZIP container
  • After adding books always select the most recently added book.

New news sources

  • Metro UK by Dave Asbury
  • Alt om Herning and by Rasmus Lauritsen
  • Observatorul cultural by song2

Improved news sources

  • CNN
  • BBC News (fast)
  • Dilema Veche

Caliber screenshot, click on the image for a larger version.

Version number 0.8.4
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Vista
Website Caliber Team
File sizes

39.70MB – 62.30MB

License type GPL
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