Download Caliber 0.8.0

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Caliber Team has released version 0.8.0 of its open source e-book management program Caliber. Caliber can handle almost all types of e-books and e-readers and makes it possible, among other things, to convert e-books between the various formats in order to make e-books available on all platforms. In addition, it can also convert news articles based on RSS to e-book format and in this way make news available on e-readers. Caliber 0.8.0 is not so much a new milestone with significant new capabilities, but more of a conclusion to the 0.7 series.

New in Caliber 0.8.0

Lots has changed in caliber-land in the last year. A great feature is “Get Books” which allows you to search for a book by title and author and returns the list of web stores that sell it in ebook form, allowing you to easily find the lowest prices for popular books or search many different places for hard to find ebook editions.

The last year has also seen the maturing of the caliber plugin infrastructure, which has led to a vibrant community of user developed plugins that extend caliber’s functionality in many novel ways. see the Index of plugins.

caliber has an all new metadata download system that allows you much more control over the process. For example, you can now choose a cover from many different online sources.

As always, caliber has gained support for dozens of new devices, conversion of a few new formats, notably, SNB and the Plucker formats. The performance of caliber has been greatly improved, especially with large libraries of tens of thousands of books.

While not directly caliber related, a new website that catalogs unrestricted access ebooks for sale was started: Open Books. All the books on this website are for sale, but they do not have DRM, which means you actually own them after paying for them. You can convert them to different formats, fix typos in them, view them on as many devices as you like. At caliber, we believe that DRM free is the future of digital information and Open Books is a small effort to help speed that future along.

Note that many of these features were actually introduced during the lifetime of the 0.7.x series.

Caliber screenshot, click on the image for a larger version.

Version number 0.8.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Vista
Website Caliber Team
File sizes

39.70MB – 62.20MB

License type GPL
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