Download Cabos 0.6.5

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Cabos exchanges files over the Gnutella network and is partly based on the programs LimeWire and Acquisition. The simple interface supports multiple languages ​​and also has integration with iTunes. After a long period of time, a new version has appeared on the Japanese pages of Sourceforge, which has been given 0.6.5 as the version number. The list of changes looks like this:

Version 0.6.5:

  • Upgraded core to LimeWire 4.12.6.
  • Added new host filter & spam filter & size filter.
  • Supported negative search by adding minus ‘-‘ at query.
  • Added new options and removed minor options in preferences.
  • Ignores ping reply without locale headers for better locale preferencing.
  • Fixed core bridge between GUI and CORE.
  • Fixed local host browsing. You can get correct IP and port using ‘Copy Local Browse URL’ menu.
  • Fixed some localizations.
  • Removed ‘Restore Incomplete Files’ function.

[break]Cabos 0.6.5 is available in the following flavours:
Mac OS X 10.2.8 or later
Windows 2000/XP

Version number 0.6.5
Operating systems Windows 2000, Windows XP, macOS
Website sourceforge
License type GPL
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