Download Bulk Crap Uninstaller 4.12.2

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Klocman Software has released version 4.12.2 of Bulk Crap Uninstaller. Released under an open source license, this program can be used to remove several programs and Windows Store apps from your computer at once. It first performs the standard uninstall procedure and then scans the computer for leftover shortcuts and registry keys to remove those as well. Afterwards, external programs such as CCleaner can also be started. Finally, it includes a start-up manager, which can be used to disable programs that start with Windows. Since version 4.11, the following changes and improvements have been made:


  • Improved detection of System Restore availability (option is grayed out if not available)
  • Fixed restore points not being created under Windows 8 or newer if there was a restore point made within last 24 hours
  • Fixed unnecessary dialog showing up when clicking the create restore point button
  • Made 1st Startup Wizard mandatory to always show network usage consent settings
  • Merged Turkish translation update by Harun Güngör

Version number 4.12.2
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Klocman software
File size


License type GPL
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