Download Bulk Crap Uninstaller 3.8.4

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Klocman software has released version 3.8.4 of Bulk Crap Uninstaller. Released under an open source license, this program can be used to remove several programs and Windows Store apps from your computer at once. It first performs the standard uninstall procedure and then scans the computer for leftover shortcuts and registry keys to remove those as well. Afterwards, external programs such as CCleaner can also be started. Finally, it includes a start-up manager, which can be used to disable programs that start with Windows. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:


  • Pressing escape in search field focuses the application list
  • Moved bug reoporting initialization earlier to catch more potential errors
  • Lowered rating cache update rate
  • Added missing pieces of translation updates
  • Added extra info to errors in SeparateNonDottedCommand
  • Changed log timestamps to utc for better performance


  • Big speedup of merging results during loading
  • Speedup or junk detection
  • Speedup or list rendering; Faster rendering of rating column
  • Small speedup or list item sorting
  • Small speedup of app executable detection
  • Improved rating download speed, less load on the server


  • Fixed nullref crash in LoadingDialog.OwnerOnMove
  • Fixed synchronization exception when coyping error to clipboard
  • Fixed BCU’s own uninstaller showing on the application list
  • Fixed crash on invalid rating cache
  • Fixed access denied crash in link junk search
  • Fixed crash when quitting right after sorting
  • Fixed rating manager connecting to db even though it has nothing to send
  • Fixed logging crash when main thread exits first
  • Fixed error in portable version if CleanLogs.bat is missing
  • Fixed layout of feedback box for some translations

Version number 3.8.4
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Klocman software
File size


License type GPL
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