Download Brave 1.38.109

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Brave is a web browser based on Chromium. At the helm of the company behind Brave is Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and one of the founders of Mozilla. Brave focuses on improving online security and provides an alternative system for financially supporting content providers. The idea is that advertising is often a website’s biggest source of income, but intrusive advertising causes many people to use ad blockers and websites lose revenue. The developers recently released version 1.38.109 and its changelog looks like this:

Release Notes V1.38.109

  • Added the ability to redirect an AMP page to its canonical non-AMP version. †#20458
  • Added “Select network” field in the Brave Wallet “Add custom asset” modal. †#21656
  • Added isBraveWallet property to window.ethereum. †#21949
  • Added the ability to copy Brave Wallet transaction hash from “Transactions” on the “Portfolio” page. †#19886
  • Added confirmation screen after transaction is approved for Brave Wallet. †#21733
  • Added bottom padding to the Brave Wallet swap container. †#21340
  • Added loading skeletons for various areas within Brave Wallet. †#21339
  • Implemented balance updater interval for Brave Wallet. †#21304
  • Updated design for Brave Shields. †#18630
  • Updated IPFS node to go ipfs v0.12.0. †#21219
  • Updated adblocking to execute all cosmetic scriptlets even if one fails. †#21932
  • Updated wording on Brave Wallet backup reminder banner. †#21312
  • Updated Brave Wallet swap capability to prevent unnecessarily encountering “Too many decimal places” error. †#21527
  • Updated URL for Brave Wallet Ropsten Test Faucet network. †#21240
  • Updated Brave Wallet password field to be cleared when an incorrect password is entered. †#21010
  • Updated “Portfolio” page of Brave Wallet to return all EVM network tokens. †#20854
  • Updated UI to increase spacing between “Assets” and “Transactions” on “Accounts” subview page of Brave Wallet. †#21532
  • Updated link text color to blue for Brave Wallet onboarding screen. †#20302
  • Updated alignment of options available from the Brave Wallet “More” menu. †#19680
  • Renamed “Monthly Contributions” to “Monthly Tips” for Brave Rewards. †#20564
  • Removed redirect after adding an account to Brave Wallet from the portfolio asset details screen. †#19138
  • Removed referral code from P3A reports. †#21460
  • Fixed unexpected storage cleanup on site close when “Clear cookies and site data when you close all windows” is enabled under brave://settings/cookies. †#22493
  • Fixed unblocked cookie consent dialogs on some websites when the brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cookie-list-default is enabled. †#22032
  • Fixed inability to solve Brave Rewards CAPTCHA in certain cases. †#22180
  • Fixed inability to import MetaMask wallet to Brave Wallet. †#22492
  • Fixed failed second sign request (eth_signTypedData_v4) for L2 activation when using Brave Wallet. †#22070
  • Fixed data on “Portfolio” page of Brave Wallet not being properly displayed due to parsing error. †#21941
  • Fixed broken placeholder icons for ERC721 tokens on Brave Wallet “Account” page. †#21549
  • Fixed “JSON data is not expected” when trying to import a crypto wallet into Brave Wallet in certain cases. †#19526
  • Fixed Brave Wallet network selector list being partially blurred on page load. †#21423
  • Fixed Brave Wallet “Add Custom Asset” modal incorrectly being populated with previously added custom token details. †#21337
  • Fixed EIP-1559 gas oracle incorrectly firing on non-EIP-1559 networks for Brave Wallet. †#21107
  • Fixed Brave Wallet percentage selector remaining selected when input value was updated. †#20315
  • Fixed Speedreader icon incorrectly disappearing in certain cases. †#18243
  • Fixed inability to exit reader mode when Speedreader is disabled. †#18242
  • Upgraded Chromium to 101.0.4951.41. †#22431Changelog for 101.0.4951.41

Version number 1.38.109
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, macOS, iOS, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website brave
License type Freeware
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