Download Brave 1.32.113

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Brave is a web browser based on Chromium. At the helm of the company behind Brave is Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and one of the founders of Mozilla. Brave focuses on improving online security and provides an alternative system for financially supporting content providers. The idea is that advertising is often a website’s biggest source of income, but intrusive advertising causes many people to use ad blockers and websites lose revenue. The developers have released version 1.32.113 and its changelog looks like this:

Release Notes V1.32.113:

  • Added new entry under “brave://settings/system” for the “microsoft-edge” protocol on Windows. †#17558
  • Added menu item under the Brave Wallet panel for viewing account on Etherscan. †#19655
  • Added new confirmation prompt to switch chains after successfully adding a new network. †#19291
  • Fixed crash when permission requests for Ethereum are from a popup window. †#19566
  • Fixed crash when importing data into the Brave Wallet. †#19515
  • Fixed wrong transaction type being used for EVM compatible networks in certain cases. †#19617
  • Fixed swapping via Quickswap chain (Polygon/MATIC) incorrectly displaying an insufficient funds error. †#19536
  • Fixed certain token balances appearing as 0 under Brave Wallet. †#17081
  • Fixed not being able to approve canceled transaction using Brave Wallet. †#19642
  • Fixed several Brave Wallet UI issues due to translated strings. †#19349
  • Fixed not being able to connect to using the Brave Wallet. †#19551
  • Fixed not being able to switch networks within† †#19656
  • Fixed (Dapp on Polygon) appearing as blank when using the Brave Wallet. †#19624

Version number 1.32.113
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website brave
License type Freeware
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