Download Brave 1.17.74 / 1.17.73

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Brave is a web browser based on Chromium. At the helm of the company behind Brave is Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and one of the founders of Mozilla. Brave focuses on improving online safety and provides an alternative system for financially supporting content providers. The idea is that advertising is often a website’s biggest source of income, but intrusive advertising causes many people to use ad blockers and websites lose revenue. The developers have released version 1.17.73 for Linux, macOS and Windows in the last few days and version 1.17.74 as an additional update for Android. The changes to these releases are as follows:

Release v1.17.74 – Android

  • Fixed only four top sites appearing under New Tab Page when background images are disabled. (#12837)
  • Fixed crash when “Tab Groups” or “Conditional Tab Strip” are enabled using brave://flags. (#12809)
  • Fixed crash under privacy report in certain cases. (#12834)
  • Fixed Brave stats formatting error under privacy report when reaching certain values. (#12831)
  • Fixed settings menu appearing on both the top and bottom when opening links using custom tabs. (#12784)
  • Updated “Ad notifications received this month” text under brave://rewards to “Ads received this month”. (#12719)
  • Upgraded Chromium to 87.0.4280.67. (#12793)

Release v1.17.73

  • Added support for CNAME adblocking. (#11712)
  • Added support for including New Tab Page Sponsored Image views in “Estimated pending rewards” and “Ad notifications received this month” for Brave Ads. (#10488)
  • Added Greaselion support for Twitter creators. (#11462)
  • Added Greaselion support for GitHub creators. (#11463)
  • Added Greaselion support for Reddit creators. (#11464)
  • Added promotion for Uphold Equities Card. (#12276)
  • Added P3A metrics for the New Tab Page. (#12267)
  • Added setting for “Cycle through the most recently used tabs with Ctrl-Tab” under brave://settings/appearance. (#913)
  • Improved user interface to make it easier to interact with “.onion” sites. (#806)
  • Improved top site tiles on the New Tab Page. (#12772)
  • Improved Dapp detection so that it is not triggered on (#11865)
  • Implemented WebGL2 fingerprint farbling protections. (#9189)
  • Implemented User Agent fingerprint farbling protections. (#12097)
  • Updated design for Brave Rewards tipping banners. (#11393)
  • Re-enabled Safe Browsing for downloads. (#6267)
  • Removed widget from the New Tab Page. (#12699)
  • Removed known user tracking parameter “_openstat” from query strings. (#11579)
  • Fixed Greaselion race condition which caused the content-level tip button text to not display properly. (#12264)
  • Fixed favicon for verified Twitter creators not being displayed correctly under the rewards panel. (#4557)
  • Fixed inability to tip a creator from the rewards panel if content-level tips were disabled. (#12090)
  • Fixed content-level tip button not displaying for the selected tweet on a Twitter thread. (#6762)
  • Fixed Twitter handle not displaying correctly when tweeting about a tip in certain cases. (#8265)
  • Fixed issue where tipping a user’s likes on Twitter would result in the incorrect Twitter handle being displayed in the tweet. (#5685)
  • Fixed alignment of content-level tip button on certain GitHub pages. (#10434)
  • Fixed content-level tip button not being displayed on certain GitHub pages. (#11766)
  • Fixed landed confirmations being created without clicking on the Brave Ad notification. (#12155)
  • Fixed issue where Brave Ad confirmations failed to migrate from older versions if Brave Ads were off in certain cases. (#12260)
  • Fixed issue where WebGL shader API was incorrectly being blocked in certain cases. (#12366)
  • Fixed issue where trackpad zoom on Google Maps was too sensitive. (#12310)
  • Fixed certain maps not displaying properly. (#12448)
  • Fixed incorrect initial display of bubble buttons from the URL bar. (#11838)
  • Fixed “Customize Dashboard” tool tip text incorrectly being shown outside of the Customize Dashboard modal. (#10299)
  • Fixed labels under brave://settings for consistency. (#8822)
  • Upgraded Chromium to 87.0.4280.67. (#12793)

Version number 1.17.74 / 1.17.73
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Brave Software
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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