Download Brave 0.66.101

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Brave is a web browser based on Chromium. At the helm of the company behind Brave is Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and one of the founders of Mozilla. Brave focuses on improving online safety and provides an alternative system for financially supporting content providers. The idea is that advertising is often a website’s biggest source of income, but intrusive advertising causes many people to use ad blockers and websites lose revenue. The developers have released Brave 0.66.101 for desktop with the following changes:

Version 0.66.101

  • Fixed bookmarks being synced more often than needed in certain conditions. (#5300)

Version 0.66.100

  • Fixed Chromecast configuration – it no longer initiates UPnP connections by default. (#5070)
  • Upgraded Chromium to 75.0.3770.142. (#5253)

Version 0.66.99

  • Added new Brave Rewards icon for verified publishers. (#4043)
  • Added country specific “add funds” for Brave Rewards. (#4476)
  • Added Web USB support. (#4669)
  • Added ability for Brave to use system theme on Windows 10. (#3804)
  • Added requirement to install brave-keyring when installing brave-browser release channel version on Linux. (#4205)
  • Disabled client hints. (#3539)
  • Fixed display of ad summary on brave://rewards to more accurately reflect estimated pending rewards, next payment date, and ad notifications received this month. (#4330)
  • Fixed tips not going through when using a VPN. (#4153)
  • Fixed incorrect Twitch link in auto-contribution and tips tables. (#4921)
  • Fixed incorrect Twitch link in auto-contribution table when channel name contains an underscore. (#4045)
  • Fixed incorrect size of grant claim banner on brave://rewards page. (#4171)
  • Fixed PWA crashes on macOS. (#3750)
  • Fixed PWA shortcuts on Windows. (#4654)
  • Fixed incorrect system colors when changing theme to “Light” on Windows. (#4056)
  • Fixed download toolbar not always respecting current theme on Windows. (#4272)
  • Fixed loading delay on some sites like (#4402)
  • Fixed binary on Linux; brave-browser command will now always open release channel version (instead of the the most recent install). (#1324)

Version number 0.66.101
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Brave Software
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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