Download Bolt 3.2.3
Version 3.2.3 of Bolt has been released. Bolt is an open source content management system and is in some ways comparable to programs such as WordPress and Drupal. Bolt is easy to use, for both installation and management, has several good looking templates that work with Twig are customizable, and is optimized for both desktop and mobile environments. Recently there is also a website on which Bolt themes live to try out and also a site with an overview of all available extensions† In addition to this release, Bolt is also the milestone of 3000 Stargazers passed on Github and voted best cms of 2016 by means of CMS Critic† The most important changes in version 3.2.3 are listed below.
Notable changes:
- Added: Backport canonical Twig function #6092† #6091
- Added: Missing HttpFoundationExtension Twig extension. fixes Exception when generating absolute URLs with {{ asset() }}. #6091
- Added: Yarn, to lessons the pain related sudden onset bitrot in NPM packages. #6038
- Fixed: “excerpts” exception with no found highlights #6041
- Fixed: Additional set of fixes for complex getContent queries #6050† #6061† #6054
- Fixed: Empty multiple & sortable select fields to have blank item, by preventing bogus items in array. #6096
- Fixed: Fix accessing slug property from Entity\Content class #6067
- Fixed: Fix metadata lookup in repeaters #6089
- Fixed: Fix problems saving fields with underscores and numbers #6088
- Fixed: Fixing issues with underscores #6051
- Fixed: HTML showing in Latest system activity widget. Output the log.message as raw as the logs contain HTML. #6080
- Fixed: HTTP cache options: Ensure http_cache.options is always passed an array. #6059
- Fixed: Relationship collection hydration #6052
- Fixed: Silence events when saving relations and taxonomies #6045† #6047
- Fixed: Sortable select fields now also work inside repeaters. #6101
- Fixed: Use consistent semantics for PHP version #6100
- Fixed: When saving field values for repeaters, do not trigger additional events. #6043
- Maintenance: Clean up formatting of composer.json #6084
- Maintenance: removing unused npm package jshint. #6098
- Removed: Remove console.js, as every browser > IE 8 has it. No need for this anymore. #6037
- Removed: Remove setParameterWhitelist() as we never ended up using it #6070
- Removed: Remove unused cache handling check from Frontend::before() #6076
- Updated: Russian translation, 46 more translations added #6056† #6103
- Updated: Updating Yarn and dependencies. #6095† #6099
Version number | 3.2.3 |
Release status | Final |
Operating systems | script language |
Website | Bolt |
Download | |
License type | GPL |