Download Boinc 5.2.8

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Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing is a platform written for distributed computing and available for Linux, Mac OS X, Unix and Windows. A number of large distributed computing projects use this platform, such as Rosetta@home, SETI@home and For more information about the how and what of Boinc, we refer you to this page. The developers have released a new client for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows with 5.2.8 as the version number. The following list of modifications is present:

Changes since 5.2.7:

  • Localization updates.
  • Resolve many connection issues regarding passwords.
  • Mac: Fix a screensaver stutter while scrolling text.

Changes since 5.2.6:

  • Localization updates.
  • Usability enhancements.
  • Fix a crash condition when connecting to a remote machine.
  • Fix for file handle usage on Linux/Mac which caused BOINC to run out of file handles.

[break]Boinc 5.2.8 is available in the following three flavors:
Linux i686 – self-extracting archive
Mac OS X – standard GUI
Windows installer

Version number 5.2.8
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Linux x86, macOS, Windows Server 2003
Website Boinc
License type GPL
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