Download BetterJPEG beta

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BetterJPEG is a program intended for the digital amateur photographer. Simple operations on photos can be performed with this such as crop, resize and removal of the so-called red eye effect. Furthermore, the program can optionally add the date and time the photo was taken with comments in the photo. Most programs that edit jpg files rewrite the entire file. This reduces the quality of the file, because jpeg is a lossy format. However, BetterJPEG only does this with those parts that are actually adjusted in the photo, but not on the rest of it. This does not degrade the quality of the file. As of today, version beta is available with the following changelog:

Built February 13, 2005.

  • added: option to update/discard EXIF ​​thumbnails.
  • improved: last used folders come first in folder history combo.

Version number beta
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website BetterJPEG
file size


License type Shareware
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