Download Avant Browser 2014 build 7

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Avant Force has released a new version of Avant Browser. This web browser uses the webbrowser TridentInternet Explorer engine to render web pages and adds additional functionality, including auto-filling forms and saving your profile online, so you can access your bookmarks, RSS feeds, and settings from anywhere. In addition, there is an ultimate version, in which you can also choose the geckoengine from Firefox or the WebKitengine from Google Chrome and Opera, among others. Since build 3 the following changes and improvements have been made:

Avant browser 2014 build 7


  • Autofills causes freezing/crash
  • Firefox UserAgent Error

Avant browser 2014 build 6


  • Chrome: 35.0.1916.153
  • Firefox:


  • Autofills causes freezing/crash
  • Image isn’t saved correctly under chrome engine
  • Unable to change the rendering engine of the sites which have been assigned with firefox engine to IE engine via address bar
  • Exported bookmarks have mess code
  • Unable to play Some videos under IE engine
  • Wrong zoom size under firefox engine
  • Back shortcut back two page at a time
  • Some pages diaplay incorrectly under chrome engine

Avant browser 2014 build 5


  • Chrome: 34.0.1847.131


  • Autofills causes freezing/crash
  • Chrome engine crashed when clearing records
  • Under firefox/chrome engine, visited links didn’t be cleared after clearing all records
  • Cannot save logins under chrome engine
  • Cannot search keywords on address bar under chrome engine
  • Taskbar didn’t disappear when watching videos in fullscreen
  • Taskbar didn’t disappear under full screen mode
  • Toolbars still visible when minimizing Avant under full screen/desktop mode
  • Blank page problem under firefox engine

The following downloads are available:
Avant Browser Lite (Internet Explorer only)
Avant Browser Ultimate (Internet Explorer, Firefox & Chrome)
Avant Browser (USB version)

Version number 2014 build 7
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8
Website Avant Force
File sizes

4.26MB – 62.80MB

License type Freeware
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