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Yesterday a new version of the program appeared on the AutoHotkey site in the form of The update is available from this page be downloaded as installation package for Windows and as source code in the form of a self-extracting rar file. AutoHotkey is developed in C++ and allows you to put frequently used keystrokes, actions and/or button combos with the keyboard, mouse and gamepad behind a hotkey, so that the respective action is performed in one go. It is also possible to convert previously scripted AutoIt2 key combinations to the AutoKey scripting language. What has changed in version compared to the last entry of AutoHotkey in the Meuktracker is below:

  • Added the “require administrator” flag to the installer to avoid a warning dialog on Windows Vista. [thanks Roussi Nikolov]

  • Fixed hotkeys like *x to fire even when x is also a hotkey that is prevented from firing due to #IfWin. [thanks Joy2DWorld & Engunneer]
  • Improved optional parameters to accept quoted/literal strings as default values.
  • Improved ByRef parameters with the ability to be optional (ie they may accept default values). [thanks Corrupt]

  • Fixed inability to recognize a literal scientific notation number that begins with 0, such as 0.15e+1. [thanks Laszlo]

  • Fixed inability to have a function-call as the first item in certain comma-separated expressions. [thanks Majkinetor]
  • Fixed WinTitles like “ahk_id %ControlHwnd%” in ControlGet’s FindString/Choice/List, and Control’s Add/Delete/Choose. [thanks Freighter & PhiLho]
  • Improved floating point support to recognize scientific notation; eg 1.2e-5 (the decimal point is mandatory). Also improved “SetFormat Float” with an option to output in scientific notation. [thanks Laszlo]

  • Fixed StringSplit inside assume-local functions so that it creates a local array even when OutputArray0 exists as a global but not a local. [thanks KZ]
  • Improved ListView’s item-changed notification (“I”) to indicate via ErrorLevel whether the item has been selected/deselected, focused/unfocused, and/or checked/unchecked. [thanks foom]
  • Added an additional layer of protection to compiled scripts. It is recommended that scripts containing sensitive data or source code be recompiled with the /NoDecompile switch.

  • Fixed “:=” deep inside expressions when used to assign the result of a recursive function to a local variable (broken by [thanks Laszlo]
  • Fixed inability to pass certain ternary expressions to ByRef parameters. [thanks Titan]
  • Fixed “GuiControlGet, OutputVar, Pos” so that it doesn’t make the OutputVar blank. [thanks PhiLho]
  • Changed and fixed continuation sections so that the “Comment” option doesn’t force the LTrim option into effect. [thanks Titan]
  • Changed the Terminal Server Awareness flag back to “disabled” on AutoHotkey.exe and compiled scripts. This improves flexibility and backward compatibility (see discussion at forum).

  • Fixed unreliability of ComSpec and environment variables on Windows 9x (broken by v1.0.46.07). [thanks Loriss]
  • Changed: When AutoHotkey.exe is launched without a script specified, it will now run (or prompt you to create) the file AutoHotkey.ahk in the My Documents folder. The only exception is when AutoHotkey.ini exists in the working directory, in which case it uses the old behavior of executing that file.
  • Improved DllCall to support an integer in place of the function name, which is interpreted as the address of the function to call. [thanks Sean]

  • Fixed crash of illegally-named dynamic variables on the left of an equal-sign assignment (broken by v1.0.45). [thanks PhiLho]
  • Fixed FileMoveDir’s “Option 2” to work properly even when the directory is being both renamed and moved. [thanks bugmenot]
  • Fixed inability to pass a variable ByRef if that same expression changed it from empty to non-empty (when #NoEnv is absent). [thanks Joy2DWorld]
  • Changed DllCall’s A_LastError to reflect only changes made by the script, not by AutoHotkey itself. [thanks Azerty]

Version number
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003
Website AutoHotkey
file size


License type Freeware
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