Download Apple Safari 7.1

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Apple has released new versions of its Safari web browser. This web browser is only available for OS X; development of the Windows version has been discontinued some time ago. Version 7.1 comes standard with OS X version 10.9.5 and includes the ability to set DuckDuckGo as the default search engine. In addition, searches are now sent to Yahoo in encrypted form and the browser is better able to handle documents that can be opened with Reader and the autocomplete of websites.

Key improvements in version 7.1

  • DuckDuckGo can now be selected in the search field
  • All Yahoo searches from the search field are encrypted
  • Reader compatibility with websites has been improved
  • The compatibility of the autocomplete with websites has been improved

Version number 7.1
Release status Final
Operating systems macOS
Website apple
License type Freeware
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