Download AnyDVD

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SlySoft released version of AnyDVD yesterday. This program can bypass the copy and region protections of DVDs so that they can be opened in Windows without hindrance. AnyDVD is also able to skip mandatory parts, such as the copyright and FBI warnings. Finally, the speed of the drive can also be adjusted to reduce the noise produced during playback. Depending on the registration key entered, the program can only handle a traditional DVD-ROM drive, or a newer HD DVD or Blu-ray drive. The changelog of this release shows the following changes:

Changes in version

  • New (DVD): New “AI Scanner(tm)” copy protection removal
  • New (DVD): Added support for new copy protections
  • New (DVD): CSS brute force cracking (region code mismatch) works now much better with Arccos/RipGuard/ProtectDVD/FluxDVD … protected discs
  • New (DVD): UDF remastering of .IFO and .BUP files
  • New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Support for new titles
  • New: Automatic creation of .zip files containing IFO files and other useful debug information in the user’s “My Documents” folder, if “Enable Logging” is enabled in AnyDVD program’s settings.
  • Fix (DVD) AnyDVD ripper could complain, that the destination directory has insufficient space
  • Fix (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Large I/O requests could cause the “Magic File Replacement(tm)” to malfunction
  • Fix: Integrity check could issue a false alarm
  • Some minor fixes and improvements
  • Updated languages


Version number
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website SlySoft
file size


License type Shareware
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