Download aMule 2.0.0

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The eDonkey network can be used to exchange files, among other things. Besides the original client eDonkey2000, an open source client was also developed with the catchy name eMule. However, the latter is only available for the Windows platform, which is why xMule was developed with support for FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS X, Solaris and Windows. However, due to some disagreements within the xMule development team, a number of developers have resigned and started developing aMule.

Now that we have these historical facts in our minds we can move on to the announcement that version 2.0.0 is finally available. As usual it is changelog ellenlang and the release notes look like this:

We’ve come a long way since 2.0.0-rc1 (more than 1 year ago!) to this 2.0.0 final version. I won’t tell you all that we achieved on this time – I don’t want to burn your hamsters scroll wheel – so I’ll stick to the highlights of this release, the links to sources, and the link to changelog.

Before we proceed to that tho, I want to please request your attention over a guy whose hard work made it all possible, and the sad fact that not much people knows him. This release is dedicated to Timo Kujala, tiku, the guy that ported the eMule 0.26d to linux all by himself, creating “lmule”, and so the God Of Coding we all praise.

This release is for you, Tiku Smile We hope to have reached what you dreamed when you started lmule.


  • aMule works on Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, Windows, and probably other OSs that noone tested yet.
  • aMule works on x86, amd64, ppc, ppc64, sparc, alpha, and AFAIK arm (probably others also) CPU architectures.
  • aMule has core/GUI separation, a mature daemon, and a not-so-mature-but-still-working remote GUI, along with the webserver and the text-mode user interface (amulecmd).
  • aMule has the latest improvements on ed2k protocol, both on eserver compatibility (thanks lugdunum) and clientclient communication (thanks eMule dev. team). This includes eMule extensions over original ed2k protocol.
  • aMule supports all wxWidgets flavors from 2.4.2 to the brand new 2.6.0. The recommended version is, however, wxWidgets 2.6.0.
  • aMule supports Unicode on GUI, internals, and network, and its totally or partially translated to 28 languages
  • And last but not least, aMule has the best users and supporters community I’ve ever seen. I said it and I’ll say it again: without you guys, this project would have never reached its current state.

Version number 2.0.0
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Linux, BSD, Windows XP, Mac OS Classic, macOS, Solaris
Website aMule Project
License type GPL
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