Download AIMP 5.30 build 2530

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Version 5.30 of AIMP has been released. This free, lightweight Russian-made media player has support for the most popular music formats. The appearance is somewhat reminiscent of the well-known Winamp and can be adjusted using skins. AIMP has an 18-channel equalizer on board and supports plug-ins. Furthermore, the program can rip CDs, convert music files and edit tags. Below you can find the changelog for the complete development process of version 5.30.

AIMP v5.30.2530 (01.12.2023)

  • Audio converter: presets for the OGG aoTuV command line encoder has been added (thanks to Soolo)
  • Fixed: sound engine – value of silence duration for removing option uses incorrectly
  • Fixed: sound engine – state of volume normalizer resets after app restart (regression 5.30)
  • Fixed: sound engine – VST – AV on attempt to reinitialize the plugin
  • Fixed: skin engine – TASERunningLine – action on click does not work (regression 2527)
  • Fixed: plugins – scrobbler – scrobbling for internet radio does not work (regression 5.30)

AIMP v5.30.2527 RC 2 (01.11.2023)

  • Player: new hidden option – MinimizeAppOnDblClick (ref. to Help)
  • Music library: DB requests optimization
  • Fixed: sound engine – errors in operations with certain VST2 plugins
  • Fixed: skin engine – prvPlaybackQueue.NextTrackInfo does not react to queue changes
  • Fixed: skin engine – binding link with file rating works incorrectly (regression 2527)
  • Fixed: skin engine – lyrics search request cannot be aborted (regression 2527)
  • Fixed: skin engine – errors with finishing the drag operation on external cancel event
  • Fixed: player – stream information resets on start playback using the aimp_openmpt plugin
  • Fixed: playlist – XSPF – importing the playlist containing a group information lead to memory corruption
  • Fixed: tag editor – settings of the “additional information” pane resets after app restart
  • Fixed: equalizer – an empty name can be used for new preset
  • Fixed: music library – the “find missed files” does not work for local files (regression 2527)
  • Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.30.2524 RC (12.10.2023)

  • Tag Editor: now you can choose format for lyrics export
  • Tag editor: certain actions now processes in separate thread
  • Tags: support for EUC encodings
  • Plugins: BASS_FLAC – updated to v2.4.5.4
  • Fixed: sound engine – errors in operations with certain VST2 plugins
  • Fixed: plugins – scheduler – the “pause playback” command works as resume too

AIMP v5.30.2520 Beta (02.10.2023)

  • Bookmarks: support for “find missed files”
  • Music Library: support for mathematical operators with data of the “year” field
  • General: localizations has been updated
  • UI: hints for alternative control actions
  • UI: improved support of Windows dark mode
  • Playlist: improved performance of operations on large playlists
  • Plugins: BASS_OPUS – updated to v2.4.2.4
  • Fixed: DSP manager – the Ok button in EQ presets dialog is always inaccessible (regression 2512)
  • Fixed: tags – AIFC – incorrect information about audio stream
  • Fixed: tags – AAC – ID3 / APE tags are ignored
  • Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.30.2512 Beta (03.09.2023)

  • Plugins: added an ability to plug the VST effects directly from their work folders
  • Plugins: FLAC encoder has been updated to v1.4.3
  • Fixed: sound engine – peak based volume normalization works incorrectly (regression 5.30)
  • Fixed: sound engine – WASAPI output mode is unavailable for Windows Vista
  • Fixed: radio capture – meta-information about the station is unavailable (regression 5.30)
  • Fixed: skin engine – snap to screen edges and other windows does not work (regression 5.30)
  • Fixed: music library – playback accounting works incorrectly for short tracks with 100% threshold
  • Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.30.2510 Beta (20.08.2023)

  • General: localizations has been updated
  • Plugins: API has been extended
  • Playlist: an ability to search whole phrase – just enclose the phrase in quotes
  • Fixed: sound engine – an error occurs on app termination if one of standard sound effects is active (regression 5.30)
  • Fixed: player – remote file's meta are resets on start playing the file (regression 5.30)
  • Fixed: playlist – an error occurs on attempt to show context menu, if playlist contains virtual tracks (regression 5.30)
  • Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.30.2505 Beta (08.08.2023)

  • General: added the %ReplaceEx(..) macro
  • Sound Engine: support for VST plugins
  • Sound engine: support for 768 kHz sampling rate
  • Sound Engine: ability to use few DSP plugins at the same time
  • Tag editor: ability to undo last three changes
  • Tag Editor: added support of “Key” tag field
  • Tag Editor: detailed information about the errors
  • Album arts: the “save album art to file folder” option has been added
  • Player: added the “Rotating the mouse wheel off the controls adjusts volume” option
  • Playlist: ability to delete track along with the parent folder
  • Playlist: batch export and update operations
  • Plugins: information bar – ability to show app's notifications
  • Plugins: information bar – the “%Playlist” macro has been added
  • Plugins: information bar – the “Card” now remembers position set by user
  • General: optimizations for small notebook screens
  • Playlist: reading speed of files in XSPF format has been increased twice
  • Music library: improved performance of operations on large databases

Version number 5.30 build 2530
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website AIMP
License type Freeware
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