Download AIMP 3.00 build 916 beta 4

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Monday it was exactly five years ago that the first version of the media player AIMP was released. We are currently working hard on version 3.00 and build 916 has now been released, which is considered beta 4. AIMP is a free Russian-made lightweight media player with support for the most commonly used music formats. The appearance is somewhat like Winamp and can be adjusted by means of skins. AIMP has an 18-channel equalizer on board and supports plugins. Furthermore, the program can rip CDs, convert music files and edit tags.

Version 3.0 includes, in addition to a new look, a new sound engine, a completely renewed music library and support for ReplayGain. Since the previous entry in the Meuktracker, the following changes and improvements have been made:

AIMP version 3.00 build 916 Beta 4


  • Player opens files from external applications with delay about 30 seconds

AIMP version 3.00 build 915 Beta 4


  • Plugins: Added context menu extension for Windows Explorer
  • Plugins: plugin has been translated to API v2.0
  • Playlist: Added the ability to disable automerging of similar categories


  • * DSP-Manager: Pitch changing step has been corrected
  • Plugins: tak_deco_lib has been updated to v2.2
  • Plugins: bass_midi has been updated to v2.4.6.3
  • Playlist: Shuffle algorithm has been improved


  • Player jumps to the next track unexpectedly in some cases when listening audio sets
  • IAIMPController.AIMP_GetCurrentTrack doesn’t work with remote files
  • Information line detects fullscreen applications incorrectly on the system with few monitors
  • scrobbler doesn’t scrobble when listening internet-radio
  • Portable version of AIMP3 intercepts associations from AIMP2
  • Internet radio capture doesn’t work
  • Adding files or folders stops when trying to read CUE sheet for nonexistent file
  • “Copy to…”: doesn’t show overwrite confirmation
  • Tab created via Drag-and-Drop doesn’t receive focus automatically
  • Local hotkeys don’t work in fullscreen mode or visualization
  • %DC macros return incorrect value
  • Option “Replay playlist with one file” doesn’t work if shuffle mode is enabled
  • %DN macros are ignored in Tags Editor when rename files
  • Wide picture of AlbumArt overlaps some text fields
  • Player crashes when trying to switch between skins with different orientation of playlists’ tabs
  • ID3v1 has higher priority than ID3v2 in some cases
  • CoverArts in BMP format don’t read correctly
  • “Added date” field is ignored when import data from AIMP2 database

Version number 916 beta 4
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Website AIMP
File size


License type Freeware
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