Download AIMP 3.00 build 881 beta 2

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A new development version of version 3.00 of the media player AIMP has been released. The build number has now reached 881 and after six versions that were offered as beta 1, this is the first to be classified as beta 2. AIMP is a free Russian-made lightweight media player with support for the most commonly used music formats. The appearance is somewhat like Winamp and can be adjusted by means of skins. AIMP has an 18-channel equalizer on board and supports plugins. Furthermore, the program can rip CDs, convert music files and edit tags.

In addition to a new look, Version 3.0 includes a new sound engine, a completely revamped music library and support for ReplayGain. The following changes and improvements have also been made in this update:


  • Audio Library: Added the ability to drag folders from grouping tree
  • Audio Library: Added the ability to copy / move files to the subfolders via Drag and Drop method


  • Tags: Increased tags reading speed from MP3 files
  • Player: Support of multimedia keyboards has been improved
  • Player: Function “Remove silence longer than 0.5 sec” has been removed


  • Playback through ASIO stops when opens settings dialog
  • “Search for new files” function doesn’t work in the audio library
  • Tempo filter doesn’t work correctly
  • AutoTag doesn’t work correctly for group of files.
  • Skins from AIMP2 with semi-transparent elements don’t work correctly
  • Some visualizations don’t draw correctly
  • Player can’t be associated with file types in some cases
  • Animation of equalizer window worked slow on some systems
  • Changes in some playlists can’t be saved on the application closing
  • Player stops playback after the changing default output device
  • Part of the previous track had been played when new track started, if player had been in Pause state
  • Playlist’s name was trimmed when saves playlist to the disk, if name contains “.” symbol
  • Player doesn’t take into account settings, which disallow auto jump to the next track, when playing track deleting physicly
  • Titles of some tracks are trimmed when listening internet radio
  • Player state can’t be saved during the playlist navigation via “Next / Previous file” buttons, if player is trying to connect to the internet radio station
  • Playlist window can’t be resized when it uses standard skin
  • Information about selected files doesn’t updated in QTE, if QTE window is already visible
  • Window doesn’t magneted to the top edge of screen while resizing
  • Tag Editor doesn’t read disk number field from the tags
  • Small bugs and defects

Version number 3.00 build 881 beta 2
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Website AIMP
File size


License type Freeware
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