Download AIM Triton 1.0.2

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AIM Triton is a new instant messenger for the AIM network. The program has an elegant look and feel according to the tabbed developers. With the Quicknote function, the information of a contact is clearly displayed and you are presented with three options; starting an IM session, starting an AOL Talk session, or sending a text message. The developers have released version 1.0.2 with the following announcement:

A new build of the AIM® Triton beta software is available for download from the AIM® Triton beta area. The new version number of the software is 1.0.2. To determine the software’s version number, click the File menu on your Buddy List® window, select the Help menu item, and then click About AIM in the resulting fly-out menu.

Since this is may be the GM build, we encourage you to use the Message Boards and Bug Report form to communicate any issues you run across, no matter how minor you think they are. As always, the AOL Beta Team extends its sincerest gratitude to everyone who took the time to download and use the software.

Version number 1.0.2
Operating systems Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website AOL Beta Central
File size


License type Prerequisites (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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