Download AIM for Mac Beta 1

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AOL is developing a new Mac version of its instant messenger, known as AIM. The previous Edition with 4.7 being the version number from early 2004, which is quite some time ago. As a result, many features for Mac users that had been added to AIM Windows versions over the years were missing. The succinct announcement of this first beta version looks like this:

We are pleased to announce the Beta 1 release of AIM® for Mac!

AIM for Mac continues our commitment to the growing Mac market by delivering a new AIM experience that’s built from the ground up for the Mac platform. AIM for Mac is one of the most requested applications from our users, and the “buzz” has been increasing with the successful launch of AIM for iPhone.

Here are a few of the advantages AIM for Mac offers:

  • AIM Experience: Users can customize their AIM for Mac experience with AIM Expressions – Change your AIM sounds, wallpaper, emoticon set or Buddy Icon.
  • Favorite AIM Features: AIM File Transfer, Tabbed IM conversations, friendly names, AIM Groups, AIM Blast groups are supported.
  • Easy Access to Mail: With a single click, you can view your mail in AOL or AIM webmail.
  • Speed: Download, install and launch AIM for Mac in seconds.

Thank you for trying AIM for Mac; we appreciate your participation. Please be sure to send us your feedback![break]

Version number beta 1
Release status beta
Operating systems macOS
Website AOL
File size


License type Freeware
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