Download Adium 1.4 beta 6

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The developers at Adium have already released the sixth beta version in the 1.4 branch of their instant messenger of the same name a few days ago. Through the program it is possible to connect and exchange messages via the networks of Twitter, Jabber, ICQ, .NET Messenger Service and Bonjour, among others. The list of changes for Adium 1.4 beta 6 looks like this:

Critical Fix:

    You are strongly recommended to update to 1.4b6 as soon as possible. This fixes a DoS/hang when a message contains a certain string used by message styles. This applies to all betas of 1.4.


  • Added throttling to Growl messages. Instead of, for example, posting 296 messages, Adium will Growl “296 messages”. (#12133)
  • Added an “only count number of unread mentions” for group chat tabs in the Messages advanced preferences. (#12033)
  • Separated group chat and regular chat preferences in the Messages advanced preferences.
  • Message styles can now be updated without relaunching Adium
  • Changed image upload behavior—it will now upload the smaller of a JPG or a PNG representation of the image. Images will be sized down if they exceed the service’s maximum size. (2.5MB for
  • Fixed using a PAC-specified proxy for the hostname of the account. (#224)
  • Fixed the status of an IRC contact after they’ve left all the channels they have in common with you.
  • Disabled Zephyr. As an unsupported protocol, we require patches to maintain it in working order. At this point in time, it just crashes.
  • Disabled the display of several server IRC messages on connect.

Updated Libpurple:

  • Fixed connecting to Yahoo! behind a proxy server. (#12231)

Version number 1.4 beta 6
Release status beta
Operating systems macOS
Website Adium Beta
File size


License type GPL
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