Download Actual Multiple Monitors 8.7.0

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Actual Tools has released version 8.7 of Actual Multiple Monitors. This program is intended for people who work with more than one monitor. Thus, it can put a taskbar and start button on every screen. Windows 8 used Classic Shell for this, but should no longer be included, although it still works fine with it.

Actual Multiple Monitors can further create a background that spans all screens and adds buttons to move programs to another screen or open them across different screens. The program can be tried for 30 days and a license costs $ 24.95. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:


  • The navigation panel in the main Configuration window has been replaced.
  • Configuration: The Desktop Divider category in the main Configuration window
    has been renamed to “Layout and Snap”, and the Windows Layout options and
    the Window Snapping options have been moved there from the Options category.
    The “Desktop Divider – Tile Layouts” panel has been split into two:
    • Desktop Divider – global on/off switch, activation mode
    • Tile Layouts – list of tile layouts itself
  • Google web slideshow source has been removed because Google discontinued
    their Google Image Search service.


  • The long-awaited ability is added to resize/drag together windows snapped to
    each other (no matter in what way – using either Classic Snap, Aero Snap,
    Desktop Divider or even manually).
    In short, group operations on adjacent windows work as follows:
    • Group Size – when you resize a window, windows adjacent to a border/corner being dragged are resized accordingly (as if there were a splitter between them)
    • Group Drag – when you drag a window, its adjacent windows come along with it (as if they were a single large window)

    By default, both these features are turned on in the “While not pressed –
    Ctrl” mode, ie you can disable it temporarily by pressing the Ctrl
    modifier key.
    You can disable these features, or switch the mode to “While pressed”, or change the modifier keys combination in the new “Layout and Snap – Group Size/Drag” panel.

  • Configuration: Ability is added to select all items in the lists with
    multi-selection allowed by pressing the Ctrl-A hotkey. As this key
    combination was reserved for adding a new item to a list, the New Item
    hotkey has been changed to Ctrl-N.


  • Configuration: Hotkey combinations for list operations have been unified
    for all list editing panels:
    • Ins, Ctrl-N – add new item
    • Del, Ctrl-D – delete selected item
    • F5 – copy selected item
    • Ctrl-=, Ctrl-Num+ – enable all items (where available)
    • Ctrl–, Ctrl-Num- – disable all items (where available)
    • Ctrl-A – select all items (where available)
  • Configuration: Confirmation request for the Delete Item operation has been
    removed in all list editing panels. If you accidentally removed the needed
    item – you can click the Undo button in the bottom-left corner of the main
    Configuration window or press the Undo hotkey (Ctrl-Z by default).
  • Configuration: The flickering has been reduced significantly when resizing
    either the Configuration windows themselves or their internals.
  • Windows 10: Hotkeys now work in Metro apps.
  • Windows 10: Extra title buttons now work in the Edge web browser (and
    probably other Metro apps).
  • Windows 10: Actual Taskbar now highlights the group buttons the same way
    the system taskbar does.
  • Windows 10: Actual Taskbar now displays progress indicator on buttons
    the same way the system taskbar does.
  • Backup/Restore now includes the Logon Screen settings.
  • Logon Screen service now has proper description.
  • Multi-monitor Screen Saver now detects if some specified screen saver failed
    to start or does not support preview mode and displays a message instead of
    an empty screen.
  • Configuration: Separate Window Settings windows now retain their position
    and size when you open them again.

Fixed error

  • Office 2013+: Extra title buttons overlapped the standard ones.
  • In some cases, extra title buttons did not redraw in the Aero visual theme.
  • Windows 8/8.1: Actual Alt-Tab Switcher displayed the hidden windows.
  • Windows 10: Windows PowerShell did not “run as administrator” from a button
    pinned to Current Taskbar.
  • Installer: The uninstaller popped up interactive dialog requests even if it
    had been launched with /SILENT or /VERYSILENT command line option.
  • Actual Taskbar: Start menu did not show in the latest Windows 10 Insider
    Preview (build 11102).
  • Actual Taskbar: Group commands Minimize All/Restore All worked incorrectly.
  • Actual Taskbar: The Show Desktop button did not react on clicking its
    rightmost pixels.
  • Desktop Divider: Resizing a window put into Divider tile changed its
    original size (ie the one it had before putting into a tile) if the
    Classic Snap with snapping to Divider tiles was enabled.
  • Windows 10: In some cases, the Tiles Editor window displayed cut on
    secondary monitors.
  • Web slideshow settings did not apply in the Configuration window if the
    Control Center was unloaded.
  • Windows Vista/7: The progress bar flickered when applying the Logon Screen
    background settings for a primary monitor.
  • Configuration: Minimized windows did not restore on clicking
    the notification area icon or pressing the Configure hotkey.

Version number 8.7.0
Release status Final
Website Current Tools
File size


License type Freeware/Paid
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