Download 7-Zip 4.19 beta

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The archiving program 7-Zip has been updated to version 4.19 beta. The download is 1MB in size and can here are being found. This program, which is released under GPL license, can handle various compression formats, but is specialized in the proprietary 7z format. Below are the changes since the last time this program was used in the junk tracker:

Changes in 4.19 beta:

  • BZip2 code was rewritten. Now it supports 3 modes: Normal, Maximum and Ultra. In Normal mode it compresses almost as original BZip2 compressor. Compression ratio in Maximum and Ultra modes is 1-3% better for some files, but Maximum Mode is about 3 times slower and Ultra Mode is about 8 times slower than Normal mode.
  • Console version now prints all messages to stdout by default, and if -so switch is specified, 7-Zip prints messages to stderr.
  • Some bugs were fixed
  • New localizations: Azeri, Georgian

Changes in 4.18 beta:

  • Bug in v4.17 beta was fixed: 7-Zip File Manager could crash after some operations with archives


Version number 4.19 beta
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website 7-Zip
file size


License type GPL
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