Download 7 Taskbar Tweaker 2.0

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In Windows 7, the taskbar has been given a lot more functionality compared to previous versions of Windows. With 7 Taskbar Tweaker it is possible to set and adjust that functionality down to the last detail. For example, it is possible to set which programs may or may not group, the order of items can be adjusted and several screens can be minimized or closed at the same time. Version 2.0 became available on Monday and below you can find what has changed.

7 Taskbar Tweaker v2.0, with dragging within groups

Now you don’t have to open Taskbar Inspector to Group your taskbar items the way you want to. The new drag-within-groups option enables you to do it using the right mouse button! Lord is a short demo to demonstrate how it works.

You can catch any taskbar button with the right mouse button and drag it to another button to group them together! You can drag it away from the taskbar buttons to create a new group. Note: if you have grouping disabled, you won’t be able to group buttons with default Application IDs, but you can drag it away to create a new random_group_x which is always groupable. There’s a bonus coming with that feature: you can scroll your mouse wheel while holding the right mouse button to show/hide labels of the group under the mouse.

Also, starting from this version, the tweaker is distributed within a setup package (a good reason to label it v2.0). The setup does not requires admin privileges and does not leave traces on uninstall (unless you choose to keep the settings). Also, it automatically detects whether you’re running the 64-bit version of Windows and installs the appropriate tweaker version (I had to learn some NSIS scripting on the way).

Video (demo20.swf)

Version number 2.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7
Website RaMMicHaeL’s home page
File size


License type Freeware
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