Download µTorrent Mac build 19873 beta

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Regular visitors to the Meuktracker are undoubtedly familiar with the BitTorrent client µTorrent. In addition to the Windows version, there is also a version for Mac OS X, which comes along a lot less often. µTorrent Mac was initially based on libtorrent, but later the development team made the decision to port the Windows version to Mac OS X. A new beta release was released last week and except for a few bug fixes, it contains no changes from version 0.9.3. If no major issues are found, we can expect the first stable release soon. Below is the changelog of this release.

Changes in beta (19873):

  • Client promoted to release
  • Fix: Creating directories on external drives now fixed.

Changes in (19773):

  • Fix: When external drive with the download directory is not connected, do not create the missing directory in /Volumes.
  • Fix: Fixed deleting non-torrent files when dropped on application window.
  • Fix: Sort order no longer randomly changes when sorting on fields other than name.
  • Added create torrent dialog.
  • Fix: Shutdown bug that cancels computer shutdown when the quit dialog is disabled.

Version number build 19873 beta
Release status beta
Operating systems macOS
Website µTorrent
file size 1.49MB
License type Freeware
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