Snapchat will introduce advertisements that are not skipping in May

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As if Snapchat had not done enough to annoy its users, Digiday now says that in mid-May ads of six seconds will be launched that can not be skipped. Snap Ads as they are now in the app can be skipped by tapping on it, but that will no longer work.

The only advantage at a disadvantage is that the commercials (as Snap calls them) can only be seen at commercial shows such as Cribs and Girl Code, where you might already expect advertising. This means that the Stories of your friends will not be interrupted by advertisements, so if you do not look at those commercial things, the ads will also save you.


Snapchat has to do something to make money, because the company is still not profitable and since research has shown that about 80 percent of users between the ages of 18 and 24 all ads that are skipping are also skipt, this solution is not very crazy.

However, it seems that Snap Inc. getting into financial problems with all those disappointing results. They should only hope that those [new] [Spectacles] will do very good business, otherwise it will be exciting for Snapchat. Since the company went to the stock market, it was almost only being punished because investors only count the figures, and they simply are not what it should be.

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