Snapchat lets users in the EU turn off personalization in feeds
Snapchat comes with ‘European Union Controls’ in the settings for users in the EU. Users can disable personalization in feeds. The platform does this to comply with the Digital Services Act.
In addition, European users will be able to see more transparently why Snapchat recommends certain content and, if the account is suspended, it will be clearer why. says Snapchat. In addition, it is possible to appeal against a suspension or deletion of the account. Users worldwide should be able to do this within a few months.
Snapchat also limits advertisements within the EU. Young people under the age of 18 will not see personalized advertisements. Adults can also turn this off. That was not possible until now. If personalization is turned off for feeds and ads, Snapchat determines which ones appear on the screen based on language, entered age and location. The Digital Services Act is European legislation that sets requirements for platform providers, including the option to opt-out of tracking for advertisements.