Smartphones with Android 12 and higher start apps faster due to runtime update

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Smartphones with Android 12 and higher start apps up to 30 percent faster thanks to an update to the Android Runtime that Google is distributing. The update will also be available for devices with Android Go.

App launch times drop from approximately 1.6 seconds to approximately 1.2 seconds thanks to the update, according to information that Google has put online. Updating the ART runtime separately from the operating system has only been possible since Android 12. These updates come to hundreds of millions of Android devices via Play system updates. These updates will soon also be released for smartphones with Android Go. That is the lighter version of the operating system for cheap phones.

The separation of updates now allows Google to distribute bug fixes faster than before. The next version is ART 14, which is related to Android 14. It will be released in the coming months. Android 14 will be released in a final version sometime in the coming weeks.

Android ART 13 update

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