Skull & Bones Trailer Shows PvPvE Mode With Ships Attacking Each Other

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Ubisoft has shown how The Hunting Grounds mode works in an extended gameplay trailer of the tactical multiplayer action game Skull & Bones. In this mode of the pirate game, players can team up against AI opponents and then fight each other for the loot.

The trailer shows how four players’ ships can team up to defeat a strong Portuguese AI-controlled flagship with heavy cannon fire, but once that’s done, players can also battle each other for the loot. Ships can not only be shot down but also boarded. In addition, players can also choose to avoid fighting with opponents and sneak into enemy territory by equipping ships with fake sails and flags.

The game will also feature a specific pvp mode called Disputed Waters, where a team of multiple ships will compete against other players for loot. Both The Hunting Grounds or Disputed Waters will be available when the game comes out. There will also be a new mode, Deadly Encounters, but more about that will be announced later.

The world of Skull & Bones evolves and responds to actions that players take. Players can recruit their captain and crew and choose weapons. All kinds of different ships can be used and built, and the craft can also be customized. The game will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC at a later date to be announced in 2019.

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