Security guard: Android malware records phone calls

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New malware for Android has surfaced that records and forwards phone calls to the attacker’s server. Never before has malware surfaced for the platform that forwards recorded phone calls.

The conversations are saved in a separate folder on the SD card of an Android phone, writes CA Technologies. This is done in amr format, a file type commonly used for recordings on mobile phones. It is unclear what the creator of the malware wants with the recorded conversations. The name of the app has not been disclosed, although the screenshot shows the name Android System Mess….

When installing the malware, the user must give permission to the app to have conversations recorded. Some apps ask for that permission for various reasons. The app is harmful in several ways, but in which ways Dinesh Venketasan does not explain.

According to an analyst firm, Android now runs on almost half of the smartphones sold worldwide. That makes the platform an attractive target for malware creators. In addition, there is no malware check before an app appears in Android Market. In addition, users store a lot of private data on their device, which makes it attractive to create malware for Android.

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