Screenshots show Google’s Spotify competitor YouTube Music Key

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Screenshots have surfaced of what would be Google’s upcoming Spotify competitor Music Key. The service comes in two different variants: with audio only as Google Play Music Key and with videos as YouTube Music Key. The service replaces Google Play Music All Access.

The price of the service is slightly higher than that of Play Music All Access, but users of All Access would be able to access Music Key without a price increase. Google’s new Spotify competitor will cost ten dollars a month, according to the screenshots that Android Police has published. In recent years, Android Police has frequently published correct information about unannounced Google services and features of Android.

The screenshots also show functionality of the service: users can store music and videos offline on their phone, let the software compile playlists based on preferences, stream a playlist to Google’s own HDMI dongle Chromecast and try the service for a month without having to pay. . Music Key would give users access to a catalog of more than 20 million songs, including original albums, concert recordings and remixes.

Users won’t have to pay separately for the YouTube and Google Play variants: in the screenshots, Google touts it as ‘two for the price of one’. Android Police says it does not know when the service will go live.

Google has made no secret of the fact that it is working on a music service for YouTube. A Google executive spoke openly in June in a conflict with indie labels over the terms of video posting on YouTube. Artists went to the European Commission because of the conflict.

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