Screenshots of possible new version Office for Mac pop up

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Screenshots of a new Office version for Mac OS X appeared online Monday. The screenshots show how the interface of the office version, which has been unchanged since 2010, has been thoroughly overhauled.

The screenshots were put online by a Chinese site, which Neowin reported on Monday evening. The images show a redesigned interface of Outlook, the office suite’s email client. They mainly show a flatter interface, which is in line with the interface of Apple’s latest operating system Yosemite. In addition, there is integration with OneDrive and Sharepoint.

It is currently difficult to say whether the images that have appeared online are correct. Microsoft has not confirmed anything yet, but a German Office CEO announced earlier this year that a new Mac version will be released. It is true that, if the images are truthful, it is the first time in ages that Microsoft is working on a new Office suite for Mac OS X. The last version, Microsoft Office Mac 2011, dates from 2010. Incidentally, Office Mac has received support for the cloud service Office 365.

Microsoft has been working on a new Office version for its own Windows operating system for some time. According to the latest information, the office suite, which is tentatively called Office 16, would offer an optional dark color theme and a help function, according to the latest information. The help assistant offers a search function like the famous Clippy paperclip from older versions.

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