Scientists find brain abnormalities in internet addicts

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People who have been diagnosed with an internet addiction have been found to have abnormalities in the brain, according to Chinese research. In particular, the interconnections between brain cells in various brain regions deviate.

The scientists investigated people suffering from ‘internet addiction disorder’ in an mri scanner and found white matter abnormalities in areas of the brain related to emotion and cognition. The white matter is formed by ‘wires’ that connect brain cells to each other. Patients diagnosed with iad were found to have impaired structural integrity and white matter organization. According to the scientists, the brain image found in Internet addicts matches that found in the brains of drug addicts.

The abnormalities were found in areas of the brain that are involved in processing emotions, attention and making decisions. The brain bar, which connects the two hemispheres of the brain, was also found to be abnormal in patients with iad.

Although the scientists show a biological component to internet addiction with their research, a causal connection has not yet been established. With their findings, the researchers hope to discover the exact cause of iad. This should make it clear whether the brain abnormalities are the cause or consequence of internet addiction. In addition, the scientists claim that their research can help in the treatment of iad.

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