Samsung recommends Note 5 users read manual after S Pen design flaw

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Samsung advises users of the Galaxy Note 5 not to use the S Pen incorrectly. The company points to the manual, which contains instructions on how to use the stylus correctly. Earlier it appeared that inserting the pin in the holder the other way around can cause damage to the device.

The S Pen can be inserted into the opening correctly or vice versa because the user feels no resistance. In another way, it is also not noticeable that the intention is not to insert the S Pen upside down in the stylus holder. This was not an issue with previous versions of the S Pen, because they were wider at the top.

As soon as the user inserts the stylus incorrectly due to the design flaw, he can probably remove the S Pen. However, there is a chance that the system that detects the touch pen will break. As a result, the smartphone does not ‘know’ whether the stylus is in it or not and the associated software features no longer work.

Samsung does not accept responsibility for the design error towards The Verge. Instead, the company says users should read the manual to properly use the stylus. Incidentally, the Note 5 will not be released in the Benelux, because, according to Samsung, Europeans use the stylus to a limited extent. Instead, Samsung comes with the Galaxy S6 Edge+, which does not have a stylus.

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