Samsung promises monthly patches for smartphones after a recent Android leak

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Samsung will release monthly patches for security vulnerabilities in Android smartphones. The manufacturer has decided to do this after the major Android leak Stagefright. The faster updates should keep users safer.

Samsung does not yet say which devices it will provide with updates during those patch rounds. More details about that will be announced later. The manufacturer is in consultation with providers to get the updates to users as quickly as possible. Now providers still have to approve updates individually per device, a process that takes a long time.

The monthly patch round, the text speaks of an update ‘about once a month’, is reminiscent of Patch Tuesday, an update with fixes for security vulnerabilities that Microsoft releases monthly. It is unknown how Samsung will implement this new policy and whether, for example, like CyanogenMod, it will regularly compile automated builds of firmware for the security updates. Devices with a recent version of CyanogenMod are the only ones not vulnerable to the major Android vulnerability Stagefright.

Samsung had the blog post with the announcement online, but has taken it offline for unknown reasons. The announcement can be found in Google Cache.

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