Samsung keeps reorganization limited after disappointing figures

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Contrary to expectations, Samsung has kept the tradition of an annual leadership change limited. An American newspaper previously reported that major changes at the top would take place, but these did not materialize, despite the company’s poor results.

Last week, a rumor circulated about a leadership change at the South Korean conglomerate; JK Shin, the head of the mobile division, may have to resign. He would be replaced by the head of the television branch.

That did not happen, reports the South Korean news agency Yonhap. According to analysts, this would have to do with the condition of Lee Kun-hee, the chairman of Samsung, who has been in hospital since May. Without him, no big decisions would be made. There have been changes, however: Hong Won-pyo will become the head of the marketing department, where he currently oversees the development of software and services.

Samsung is struggling with disappointing figures; especially the mobile branch of the company, which has been the cash cow for many years, is doing less well. The company is suffering from increasing competition from providers of cheaper phones, such as devices from the Chinese Xiaomi.

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