Samsung joins Android Enterprise Recommended

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Samsung joins the Android Enterprise Recommended program. This allows system administrators to manage telephones in an enterprise environment. At the same time, Google makes zero-touch enrollment available for all Android devices.

Samsung is the largest party to date that has joined the Android Enterprise Recommended program. Google started doing this in 2018. Android Enterprise Recommended is a program that administrators can use to set up different devices from a manufacturer on a network in a standardized manner. Also phones in the program are assured of timely security updates. To participate, a manufacturer must meet certain requirements in both hardware and software areas. Samsung writes that a number of Galaxy phones and tablets meet those requirements and are now included in the program. These are the Galaxy S20, the Note20, the Tab S7 and S7 +, and the XCover Pro. They must run on Android 11.

At the same time, Google is announcing that it will make zero-touch enrollment available for all Android devices running Android 9.0 or higher. With zero-touch it is possible to register a large group of devices on a network at once. System administrators can also use zero-touch to enroll devices in enterprise mobility management software. Administrators who roll out Samsung devices via zero-touch will also have the option to opt for Samsung’s own Knox Mobile Enrollment. The change will be available via an update in Play Services.

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