Samsung Display will deliver TV and monitor prototype with QD OLED panel in June

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Samsung Display plans to deliver a prototype of a complete television based on a QD OLED panel in June. The company would also make a test version of a qd-oled monitor. At least that’s what the Korean website The Elec says.

According to The Elec, Samsung Display will send these prototypes to potential customers such as Samsung Electronics, Sony and Chinese manufacturers. For example, Chinese parties can consider TCL, since the company has already been mentioned as a potential customer of the qd-oled panels. Panasonic was also previously mentioned.

After the prototypes have been delivered to customers from June, Samsung Display will reportedly conduct an investigation into the response from the market. If a customer is satisfied, the Q1 production line in Asan, South Korea, can be immediately used for production. This is a factory with an 8.5G production line with substrates of 2200x2500mm, with a monthly production number of 30,000.

Visual Display, the branch of Samsung Electronics that is responsible for the televisions, seemed to hold off on the qd-oled panels, because the brightness would not be high enough. There would also be concerns about the risk of burn-in. In addition, increasing yields has been a problem for some time. For this year, Samsung is also investing heavily in LCD TVs with a mini LED backlight. Visual Display is said to have revised its position on qd-oled in the meantime, with Samsung Electronics having indicated to Samsung Display that the yield rate and production numbers must then be increased.

Qd-oled TVs use blue oleds and quantum dots. Red and green color filters are used to create sub-pixels of those colors. According to Samsung, this technology makes it possible to display better colors than existing OLED TVs and the brightness will also be higher.

Existing OLED TVs all have LG Display panels and use a different technology, based on white OLEDs with a color filter. A qd-oled panel from Samsung Display would also consist of fewer layers compared to the oled panels from LG Display, which would significantly reduce costs.

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