Rumor: successor GTX 1080 Ti appears in July

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The new generation of video cards from Nvidia will be available in July, claiming sources from Tom’s Hardware. The maps are based on the Turing platform, but it is not known under which name they appear.

Nvidia would deliver the gpu’s and the memory from 15 June to its partners. Somewhere in July, the Founder’s Editions of the new generation must be in stores. In August or September the versions with their own coolers will follow from Nvidia’s partners and the laptop versions of the cards will come out later in the year.
That writes Tom’s Hardware on the basis of information from his sources. They do not say anything about the names of the cards yet. This could be the 11 or 20 series, or the GTX 1180 or the GTX 2080.
Specifications about the maps and the Turing GPU do not report the site. However, there would also be Quadro cards based on Turing. Nvidia could present it in August, during the Siggraph event.


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