Rumor: Next Nexus smartphones will get camera with ‘smart burst mode’

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The next Nexus smartphones may get a camera with ‘smart burst mode’, which determines which photo is the best based on the analysis of the image and the faces in it. Directions for “smart burst mode” are in a new version of Google’s camera app.

The smart burst mode is in the camera app, but it also has its own icon for the launcher, says Android Police based on an analysis of the apk file. Currently, Google’s camera application does not include burst mode, unlike many other camera applications. Samsung, HTC, LG and Sony, among others, have put the burst mode in their camera apps.

Google Camera’s smart burst mode analyzes the images for exposure, histograms and more, but it also recognizes faces and tries to see if everyone has their eyes open, is smiling and whether each face is well lit. Based on that, it shows the best images to the user, who can then delete them and choose another.

Android Police speculates that it will take some time before the feature really comes into the app. Perhaps it will be a feature for the next Nexus phones, which will probably appear in the fall. LG and Huawei would both make a Nexus smartphone this year, with rumored 5.2″ and 5.7″ screens.

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