Rumor: New Battlefield Game Will Be Bad Company 3

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The next title in the Battlefield series may be Bad Company 3. That’s what AlmightyDaq claims, a gamer on YouTube who also leaked all kinds of proven details about Battlefield 1 last year, months before the game came out.

AlmightyDaq reports in a video that the story takes place during the Vietnam War or in the period after. The weapons that are in the game are also tuned to this period. There will again be helicopters, armored cars and tanks in the game and in terms of classes, just like in Bad Company 2, you can choose from assault, support, engineer and recon. Developer Dice has used the Vietnam setting in a Battlefield title before; At the end of 2010, Bad Company 2: Vietnam was released, an expansion of Bad Company 2.

As for the multiplayer, the Operations mode from Battlefield 1 returns in Bad Company 3, but in addition, just like in Bad Comany 2, the Rush mode is central again. In this mode, a team has to defend a number of so-called M-com stations, while the attacking team has to destroy them. If the latter succeeds, the front line shifts and the defending team must retreat to defend the remaining M-com stations. Furthermore, the usual modes Conquest, Domination and Team Deathmatch are back.

AlmightyDaq believes the game will be officially announced by Electronic Arts at the E3 trade show and will be released in 2018. Predecessor Battlefield: Bad Company 2 was released in 2010 and featured an early version of the Frostbite 2 engine used in Battlefield 3. Bad Company 2 already had Destruction 2.0, a feature that allows players to almost completely destroy buildings and obstacles.

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