Rumor: iOS features Screen Time and Shortcuts may be coming to macOS

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The iOS features Screen Time and Shortcuts are reportedly coming to macOS. It would be part of Apple’s work to bring the two operating systems closer together.

9to5Mac writes that based on its own sources who are familiar with the work on the upcoming macOS 10.15. The official unveiling of these additions would take place at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 3.

Shortcuts in iOS consists of two parts: Siri Shortcuts and the Shortcuts app. Siri can make suggestions for actions based on user habits and notifications that come in. For example, a notification of a missed call results in a proposal from Siri to call the person back. It also works with other apps: for example, if you pick up your to-do list at the same time every day, you can one day be offered a shortcut from Siri at that time.

In the shortcuts app, users can record actions within other apps, which can then be triggered with a custom keyphrase in Siri, or via the notification drawer.

The Screen Time feature is quite simple. This keeps track of how long users spend in which apps and time limits can be set if necessary. This can be done not only on the basis of the total usage time, but also on the basis of the time, for example to make work apps inaccessible outside working hours.

Incidentally, according to a rumor from earlier this month, also from 9to5Mac, the upcoming iOS 13 will be getting a system-wide dark mode.

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